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How to Train a Machine Learning Model: Step-by-Step Guide

From forecasting customer attrition to providing product recommendations, machine learning is at the core of contemporary data-driven decision-making. This manual walks you through every stage of training a machine learning model, including both theoretical and practical considerations. Scikit-learn and Python will be used to illustrate each stage.

training a machine learning model

What Does It Mean to Train a Machine Learning Model?

A machine learning model's training entails:

  1. supplying data to the model.

  2. letting the data's patterns be discovered by the model.

  3. utilizing these trends to forecast or decide.

Optimizing model parameters to reduce error and boost performance is the main goal of the training process.

The process of training a machine learning model is illustrated below:

Step 1: Identify the issue

Determine the nature of the assignment and comprehend the issue first:

  • Regression: Predicting continuous quantities, like home prices, is known as regression.

  • Classification: Sorting data into groups (spam detection, for example).

  • Clustering: Clustering is the process of arranging data elements according to commonalities.

Example Problem:

Estimate home values in California using attributes like:

  • Median income (MedInc)

  • Average number of rooms (AveRooms)

  • Population in the area (Population)

Given that MedHouseVal, the target variable, is continuous, this is a regression problem.

Step 2: Gather and Interpret the Information

Prior to beginning modeling, it is essential to comprehend your dataset. This includes:

  • being aware of the target variable and features.

  • looking for discrepancies or missing values.

Practical Implementation: We’ll use the California Housing Dataset from Scikit-Learn.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing

import pandas as pd

# Load dataset

data = fetch_california_housing(as_frame=True)

df = data.frame  # Convert to Pandas DataFrame

# Display basic information about the dataset

print("Dataset Info:")


# Preview first 5 rows

print("First 5 Rows:")



Dataset Info:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

RangeIndex: 20640 entries, 0 to 20639

Data columns (total 9 columns):

 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype 

 0   MedInc       20640 non-null  float64

 1   HouseAge     20640 non-null  float64

 2   AveRooms     20640 non-null  float64

 3   AveBedrms    20640 non-null  float64

 4   Population   20640 non-null  float64

 5   AveOccup     20640 non-null  float64

 6   Latitude     20640 non-null  float64

 7   Longitude    20640 non-null  float64

 8   MedHouseVal  20640 non-null  float64


  1. fetch_california_housing:

    • The California Housing dataset, which includes statistics on population, income, and median home prices for several regions, is loaded by this function.

    • To import the data into a Pandas DataFrame for simpler handling, we set as_frame=True.

  2. df.head():

    • To comprehend the structure of the dataset, df.head() shows the top five rows.

Step 3: Preprocess the Data

Why preprocessing matters:

  • guarantees the consistency of the data.

  • addresses outliers or missing values.

  • adjusts numerical data to provide the best possible model performance.

Steps for Preprocessing:

  1. Managing Missing Values: Predictions that contain missing data may be erroneous.

  2. Scaling Features: The model may prefer larger values because features like population and wealth might vary greatly in scale.

Feature Scaling Described:

Scaling makes sure that features fall within a comparable range, such as -1 to 1. The size of the data affects algorithms like support vector machines and linear regression.

Code: Preprocessing the Data

1. Check for Missing Values:

# Check for missing values

print("Missing Values:\n", df.isnull().sum())


Missing Values:

MedInc         0

HouseAge       0

AveRooms       0

AveBedrms      0

Population     0

AveOccup       0

Latitude       0

Longitude      0

MedHouseVal    0

No missing values are present.

2. Scale Numerical Features:

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Separate features and target variable

X = df.drop("MedHouseVal", axis=1)

y = df["MedHouseVal"]

# Scale features

scaler = StandardScaler()

X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)

print("Scaled Data (First 5 Rows):")



  1. Extracting Features (X) and Target (y):

    • X: All columns except the target variable (MedHouseVal), which contains the median house values.

    • y: The target variable we want to predict.

  2. Scaling:

    • Why? Features with different ranges (e.g., income in thousands vs. population in millions) can mislead the model. Scaling brings all features to a similar range, improving model performance.

    • How? StandardScaler standardizes the data to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Step 4: Split the Data

By dividing the dataset, the model is evaluated on a different portion of the data (the test set) and trained on a different portion of the data (the training set) to assess its capacity for generalization.

Practical Implementation:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Split data into training (80%) and testing (20%)

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X_scaled, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

print("Training Set Size:", X_train.shape)

print("Test Set Size:", X_test.shape)


  1. Why Split the Data?

    • to simulate real-world settings and assess the model's performance on unknown data.

  2. train_test_split:

    • Divides the data into sets for testing and training.

    • Parameters:

      • test_size=0.2: 20% of the data is set aside for testing.

      • random_state=42: Produces the same random split each time, guaranteeing reproducibility.

Step 5: Training the Model

In order for a machine learning algorithm to identify patterns and relationships in the training data, the training data must be fed into the algorithm.

Practical Implementation:

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Initialize the model

model = LinearRegression()

# Train the model, y_train)


  1. Model Initialization:

    • The target variable is predicted as a linear combination of features by the linear regression model that we employ.

  2. Model Training (fit):

    • Learning the link between X_train (features) and y_train (target) is known as model training (fit).

Step 6: Evaluating the Model

It's crucial to assess the model after training to see how well it works with unknown data. Typical metrics consist of:

  • Mean Squared Error (MSE): The average squared difference between actual and anticipated values is measured by the Mean Squared Error, or MSE.

  • R-squared (R²): The model's capacity to explain the variability in the target variable is indicated by the R-squared (R²) value.

Practical Implementation Code:

from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

# Predict on test data

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

# Calculate evaluation metrics

mse = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)

r2 = r2_score(y_test, y_pred)

print("Mean Squared Error:", mse)

print("R-squared:", r2)


  1. Predictions (predict):

    • For the test set (X_test), the model produces predictions (y_pred).

  2. Metrics:

    • MSE: Better model performance is indicated by lower numbers.

    • R²: A number nearer 1 means that the majority of the target's variability can be explained by the model.

Sample Outputs

Training Set Size: (16512, 8)

Test Set Size: (4128, 8)

Mean Squared Error: 0.54

R-squared: 0.79


Understanding the issue, getting the data ready, creating the model, and assessing its performance are all steps in the training process for a machine learning model. To develop models that effectively generalize to unknown data, each step is crucial.

Call to Action

Do you want to learn more about machine learning? Join IOTA Academy's Machine Learning Certification Course now to get all the knowledge you need to create models expertly, from theory to practical coding tasks! Begin your adventure right now!





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