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What Is Overfitting and Underfitting in Machine Learning?

The ability of a model to generalize to new data is a key factor in machine learning success. Overfitting and underfitting are two significant problems that can occur during model training. These problems may keep the model from performing at its best. We shall go into great detail about both ideas, their causes, and ways to lessen them in this blog.

Machine Learning


Understanding Overfitting

When a model learns too much from the training data—including its noise and outliers—it is said to be overfit. The model memorizes the training data rather than generalizing patterns. The model performs badly on fresh or unseen data, despite achieving great accuracy on the training dataset.

Characteristics of Overfitting

  • On the training dataset, the model's accuracy is excellent; however, on the test dataset, its accuracy is low.

  • It extracts noise and extraneous features from the training set.

  • The model gets too complicated and frequently tries to fit all of the data.

Causes of Overfitting

  1. Complex Models: Making use of algorithms with an excessive number of parameters or structures that are too flexible (such as deep neural networks with an excessive number of layers).

  2. Inadequate Data: The model is more likely to memorize the data rather than generalize patterns when the sample is too limited.

  3. Noisy Data: The model may be misled by data that contains a lot of outliers or irrelevant features.

  4. Overtraining: The model may overlearn particular patterns if it is trained for an excessive number of iterations.

Consequences of Overfitting

  • Predictions are neither robust nor reliable

  • the model performs badly on unseen data

  • and it has limited generalization capabilities.

Everyday Example of Overfitting

Consider a student who has committed all of the questions and answers in their textbook to memory. They might do flawlessly on an exam with the same questions, but they would find it difficult to answer questions that are conceptual or slightly different.


Understanding Underfitting

When a model is too basic to identify the underlying patterns in the data, it is said to be underfit. Poor performance on both the training and test datasets results from the model's inability to learn from the training data.

Characteristics of Underfitting

  • The model frequently makes overly simplistic predictions

  • it cannot capture the complexity of the data

  • and it has poor accuracy on both training and test datasets.

Causes of Underfitting

  1. Simplistic Models: Using procedures that are too basic for the task at hand, such as a linear regression model for non-linear data, is known as simplistic modelling.

  2. Inadequate Training: Not enough epochs or iterations are used to train the model.

  3. Poor Feature Selection: Training the model with features that are either unnecessary or insufficient.

  4. Over-Regularization: The model's capacity to learn is restricted by overly strict regularization methods.

Consequences of Underfitting

  • The model is unable to recognize significant patterns.

  • It exhibits low performance on both training and test datasets.

  • The predictions are shallow and uninformed.

Everyday Example of Underfitting

Consider a student who just skims through the content and hardly studies for an exam. They score poorly because they lack both conceptual understanding and memorizing skills.

Overfitting and Underfitting Visualization. Let's look at a regression problem to better grasp these ideas:

  • Underfitting: Curved data is fitted with a straight line. The intricacy of the data is not adequately represented by the model.


  • Ideal Fit: Without unduly complicating the data, the curve captures the underlying trend.

  • Overfitting: Every data point, including noise and outliers, is fitted by a very complicated curve.

Visual representation of Underfitting, Ideal Fit, & Overfitting
Visual representation of Underfitting, Ideal Fit, & Overfitting

Differences Between Overfitting and Underfitting




Model Complexity

Too complex

Too simple

Training Accuracy



Test Accuracy



Key Issue

Memorizes data and fails to generalize

Fails to learn patterns in the data

Example Model

Deep neural network without regularization

Linear regression for non-linear data

Techniques to Prevent Overfitting

  • Cross-Validation: Use techniques like k-fold cross-validation to ensure the model generalizes well to unseen data.

  • Regularization: Add penalties to the loss function for overly complex models (e.g., L1/L2 regularization in regression models).

  • Simplify the Model: Reduce the number of features or parameters to make the model less complex.

  • Prune Decision Trees: Limit the depth of decision trees or prune branches that do not improve performance.

  • Early Stopping: Monitor the model's performance on the validation set and stop training when performance stops improving.

  • Increase Training Data: Add more data to help the model generalize better.7

Techniques to Address Underfitting

  • Boost Model Complexity: Employ more sophisticated methods or make the current model more complex (for example, by employing a higher-degree polynomial in regression or adding layers to a neural network).

  • Train for More Time: To give the model ample time to discover the patterns in the data, let it train for additional epochs or iterations.

  • Engineering Features: To better capture the underlying patterns, add pertinent features or modify already-existing ones.

  • Cut Down on Regularization: Reduce the penalty if regularization is being applied to give the model greater latitude in identifying patterns.


The difficulties in striking the correct balance in machine learning models are symbolized by the opposites of overfitting and underfitting. An overly simplistic method leads to underfitting, while an excessive emphasis on training data causes overfitting. You can create models that are well-balanced and effective on unseen data by utilizing strategies like regularization, feature engineering, cross-validation, and cautious model selection.

Call to Action

Having trouble with machine learning model performance? Our extensive Machine Learning Course at Iota Academy will teach you how to create models that generalize well. Explore ideas such as underfitting and overfitting in further detail. Join now to improve your abilities!


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